Tetra Medical


Ega Pro Index: gender equality index


Under the French Freedom of Career-Choice law of September 2018, companies were asked to prove their results in terms of pay equality with a ‘Gender Equality Index’.


Before 1 March of each year, from 2020, companies with at least 50 employees must publish its overall rating of the Gender Equality Index on their website. This rating is also provided to the SEC and the Labour Inspectorate.

To do this, this index was calculated on the company’s entire workforce, in particular, concerning the gender pay gap, according to the calculation methods provided by the government.

The Ega Pro Index is measured using four indicators. It is rated out of 100 points.

1.   the gender pay gap out of 40 points,

2. the difference in the distribution of individual increases, out of 20 points,


3.  the number of employees receiving a pay increase on return from maternity leave, out of 15 points,


4.  the number of people of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest paid employees, out of 10 points.

The French Ministry of Labour imposes a minimum
score of 75 out of 100. Companies with an Index rate below 75 points must take action to correct the situation within three years. Companies that do not achieve 75 points within three years may be sanctioned with a financial penalty of up to 1% of their payroll.

TETRA MEDICAL obtains a rating of 76 out of 100.

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